This is brutal. Anand Ranganathan really gives it to Arvind Kejriwal over his pinocchio-level false claim of having helped the Kashmiri refugee teachers in Delhi.
The matter of Kashmiri Files film was unnecessarily raked up by Arvind Kejriwal. He need not have made insensitive comments on it. He could have just told about the demand for tax-free, that they are looking into it. But he had to be too smart by half. Telling the pitifully small group of BJP legislators in Delhi assembly – “यूँ picture की promotion मत करो आप लोग। बहुत गंदे लगते हो।” When he is the single most prolific movie publicising CM of India.
Again the teacher regularisation issue would never have seen the light of day. He made some fake claims (or attempted to project fake impression) in the Navika interview on Times Now. Fact checkers were quick to pounce on him. I have not researched this. But am banking on Anand Ranganathan to present the true picture.
Interestingly, India’s supposed ‘fact-checker on record’ @altnews – is nowhere to be seen. Neither for nor against. That is a fairly good indication that Arvind Kejriwal tried to pull wool over our eyes.